Stronger Better You

Stronger Better You is a unique workout app and the first of its kind in Sweden. It is based on workout films where the user works out at the same time and together with Sabina Dufberg who is a wellknown fitness profile with more than 25 years of experience in the field of fitness, health and rehabilitation. From coaching elite athletes to rehab patients as well as acting as one of the coaches for Swedens Biggest Looser for three seasons. 

Sabina has developed all of the training programmes and encourages the user to reach the next level in their training. Many of the programmes can be used without any equipment and anywhere. It is fast, easy and effective!

Stronger Better You is a complete lifestyle and training app for people with individual needs and starting points. Regardless of what your fitness goal my be, to become stronger, loose weight, sleep better or feel more energized the tools can easily be found in Stronger Better You. 

As a uniQue member you can have access to Stronger Better You free of charge for three months. 

To get started visit, use the code STRONGERUNIQUE2021 and create your account to take the first step of your new lifestyle!

For more information please contact